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Form Widget

Class Pointer:  xmFormidgetClass
Class Name:     XmForm
Include File:   <Xm/Form.h>
Superclass:     XmBulletinBoard
        A constraint widget that lets children attach themselves to the
        form in various ways.

Constraint Resources:
Name                    Type                    Default
---------------------   ---------------------   ------------------------
XmNtopAttachment        XmRAttachment           XmATTACH_NONE
XmNbottomAttachment     XmRAttachment           XmATTACH_NONE
XmNleftAttachment       XmRAttachment           XmATTACH_NONE
XmNrightAttachment      XmRAttachment           XmATTACH_NONE
XmNtopWidget            XmRWindow               NULL
XmNbottomWidget         XmRWindow               NULL
XmNleftWidget           XmRWindow               NULL
XmNrightWidget          XmRWindow               NULL
XmNtopPosition          XmRInt                  0
XmNbottomPosition       XmRInt                  0
XmNleftPosition         XmRInt                  0
XmNrightPosition        XmRInt                  0
XmNtopOffset            XmRInt                  dynamic
XmNbottomOffset         XmRInt                  dynamic
XmNleftOffset           XmRInt                  dynamic
XmNrighjtOffset         XmRInt                  dynamic
XmNresizable            XmRBoolean              TRUE

Name                    Type                    Default
---------------------   ---------------------   ------------------------
XmNhorizontalSpacing    XmRInt                  0
XmNverticalSpacing      XmRInt                  0
XmNfractionBase         XmRInt                  100
XmNrubberPositioning    XmRBoolean              FALSE