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Bulletin Board Widget

Class Pointer:  xmBulletinBoardWidgetClass
Class Name:     XmBulletinBoard
Include File:   <Xm/BulletinB.h>
Superclass:     XmManager
        A basic container widget that allows other widgets to be "tacked
        on" at any position.

Name                    Type                    Default
---------------------   ---------------------   ------------------------
XmNshadowType           XmRShadowType           XmSHADOW_OUT
XmNshadowThickness      XmRShort                0
XmNmarginHeight         XmRShort                10
XmNmarginWidth          XmRShort                10
XmNdefaultButton        XmRWindow               NULL
XmNcancelButton         XmRWindow               NULL
XmNstringDirection      XmRStringDirection      XmSTRING_DIRECTION_L_TO_R
XmNbuttonFontList       XmRFontList             NULL
XmNlabelFontList        XmRFontList             NULL
XmNtextFontList         XmRFontList             NULL
XmNtextTranslations     XmRTranslationTable     NULL
XmNallowOverlap         XmRBoolean              True
XmNautoUnmanage         XmRBoolean              True
XmNdefaultPosition      XmRBoolean              True
XmNnoResize             XmRBoolean              True
XmNresizePolicy         XmRResizePolicy         XmRESIZE_ANY
XmNdialogStyle          XmRDialogStyle          DialogStyleDefault
XmNdialogTitle          XmRXmString             NULL

Callback List           Call Data Type          Reason
---------------------   ---------------------   -------------------------
XmNfocusCallback        XmAnyCallbackStruct     XmCR_FOCUS
XmNmapCallback          XmAnyCallbackStruct     XmCR_MAP
XmNunmapCallback        XmAnyCallbackStruct     XmCR_UNMAP