UCL Maths Challenge


This section of UCL Maths Challenge website attempts to list all the people who helped us to run UCL Maths Challenge 2007/2008. If you feel you should be here and you are not, drop us an email. If you do not wish to be honoured by being displayed here, take the same action. In either case, we are sorry.


3 schools made it to the event:
Netley Primary School
Rotherfield Primary School
St. Alban's Church of England Primary School

We would particularly like to thank Margaret Ayo from Netley, Jo Barrett and Sandy Conduit from Rotherfield and Natasha Nair from St. Alban's who not only came and enjoyed the event but also gave us many suggestions about exercises, shared their opinions on organisation of Maths Challenge with us and pointed out things we had not noticed (and they were worth noticing). We are also thankful to Stacey Taylor from Christopher Hatton Primary School and Tonnie Simpson from St Mary & St Pancras Primary School who put an equal amount of effort into helping us but they could not come.

We would like to thank participants for coming, competing and winning, eventually! But most importantly, we are glad you enjoyed this day.


Aga, Ella, Hayden, Kathleen, Mary, Nikhil, and Shruti did a great job because:

We would also like to thank Katie and Marta for the poster and certificate designs, respectively. Sadly, they could not come because they were out of country (Katie at least, Marta was living in Slovakia at the time :).

Thank you!


This list would be incomplete if we did not mention the wonderful people at VSU who have been standing behind the success of UCL Maths Challenge from the very beginning. We would particularly like to thank Nadia Cole who supervised our project (and us, more importantly) during the first year of our existence. She passed this responsibility (or burden? ;) to John Braime at the end of the last academic year. John continued supervising UCL Maths Challenge in 2008/2009.

Martin's personal account: "Nadia surely happened to be one of the most encouraging people I have ever met - she always found what I was doing very promising although I was often being very lazy and didn't do what I was supposed to do on time (despite the fact that it was me who was assigning tasks to myself). Although indirectly, it was Nadia who taught me to speak over the phone (she would certainly say I learnt it myself and, in the end, I did, but she was the one who always told me I can make it). Nadia was probably the most influential (in terms of development of Maths Challenge as well as my personal development) person I met while leading this project.
As for John, he is one the calmest people I have ever met. No matter what was happening, John always seemed (and still seems) to be on the top of it. No matter how panicked I was (which wouldn't always correlate with the seriousness of the situation, though), John didn't show a single sign of stress. Not in front of me anyway ;)"

We are grateful to Dr Bowles from UCL Department of Mathematics who helped us to find resources for exercises, discussed the format of the competition with us and let us contact Maths undergraduate students to recruit volunteers. We would like to thank Sybil Cock, a Regional Coordinator at National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics, for coming along on the day and expressing interest in our competition, its format and exercises used.